What is Surveyeah and what does the site offer?
Surveyeah.com started in 2014 and is run from Milan in Italy.
However, it offers surveys in many countries and languages ,It is a very simple site that does not have a lot of different options to earn. Simple can be nice, as it often also means that it is easy to navigate and easy to use, and that is also the case with Surveyeah.
And let me just reveal right away that Surveyeah is legit – I have been paid by it many times myself.
In many countries, Surveyeah has released a version 2.0 and has made a lot of updates which is a good sign as it shows they are continuously working on making the platform better. And it definitely has become better and now gives more opportunities than when I first tested and reviewed it.
But let’s take a closer look at what Surveyeah then offers and how good the opportunities are, as this, of course, is very important to find out if it will be worth your time or not. Surveyeah is a paid survey site, and the name implies it is a survey site that will make you say yeah because it is a great site with great opportunities.
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